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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Geeks earn $4600 a day selling penis pills online
James May's Lego house demolished
World's Most Sensitive Astronomical Camera Developed
Mozilla Programmers Join Palm in Apple War
Computer hacks jump in '09: study
The thinker must come upon himself through his many aspects
Clear sky here this morning!
Here is today's quote:
The “I”, the thinker, the observer, watches his opposing and conflicting thoughts-feelings as though he were not part of them, as though he were above and beyond them, controlling, guiding, shaping. But is not the “I”, the thinker, also these conflicts? Has he not created them? Whatever the level, is the thinker separate from his thoughts? The thinker is the creator of opposing urges, assuming different roles at different times according to his pleasure and pain. To comprehend himself the thinker must come upon himself through his many aspects.
The Collected Works vol IV, p 45.
Here is my reflection.
I think this shows just how easily we get caught in the net of our thoughts, how it is the whole process of thinking that creates us, and until we turn around and look at thinking rather than sending thought-images out away from us to people and things as names and as knowledge, we remain caught in that net. Thought is always out-manoeuvering us like this; we seem always to be a step behind, largely because we fall prey to the need to be secure, because we value knowledge over freedom.
Best wishes
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
DS1820 Based High Precision Temperature Indicator
Daily Reviewer Top 100 Recycling Blogs
I just wanted to write a quick line to say thanks very much to everyone at The Daily Reviewer for placing me in their top 100 recycling blogs! You might have noticed my shiny new badge on the right hand side of the page. It's really nice to be commended for the blog and I hope you will all continue to enjoy my musings about recycling and sustainability.
Onwards & upwards!
How to build an Ajax Schedule control (Downloadable source code)
It contains the following Ajax Controls:
Simple Schedule
About Schedule:
Please check the following image:
1. The schedule is bound on DataSource control. You can select a date in left clanedar, it will retrieve the data from DataSource, and present the related task.
2. Each task will be presented in a DropPanel. You can Drag & Drop it to another cell(day). It will be updated.
3. When you mouse move on the droppanel, it will show CloseButton so that you can remove this task.
4. When mouse over the cell of schedule, it will expend itself by design if it has more task needs to show.
5. In left calendar, it will highlight the date which has tasks.
6. Since it is an Ajax ScriptControl, you can use custom css style at will.
7. Schedule used ButtonList and DropPanel in Paincontrols I mentioned before.
8. You need build and bind a web service file on this control to achieve updating and deleting function asychronously.
***** It is a simple schedule. I just want to share how to build a schedule and hope it can help. In next time, I'd like to expend the following functionality:
1. Besides "Month" display mode, "Day" display mode is needed.
2. Recently, you can create a DetailView to insert a new task, since Schedule is bound on DataSource. Next time, I'd like to expend the internal insert functionality.
If you have more suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.
How to use PainControl Schedule:
The following sample can help you to use Schedule control:
DateTimeFieldName="date_time" TitleFieldName="title" DescriptionFieldName="description" ServicePath="ScheduleWebService.asmx"
UpdateServiceMethod="UpdateWebService" DeleteServiceMethod="DeleteWebService" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [schedule]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
1. DataSourceID ---- Create a DataSource and bind it on Schedule.
2. KeyField ---- The field name of primary key of DataSource.
3. There are three mandatory field you have to create:
DateTimeFieldName ---- related field name about the datetime of the task
TitleFieldName ---- related field name about the title of the task
DescriptionFieldName ---- related field name about the description of the task
4. ServicePath ---- If you have used AjaxControlToolkit, you must be familar with this property. It means the path of the web service file.
UpdateServiceMethod ---- The web method name to execute updating function
DeleteServiceMethod ---- The web method name to execute deleting function
Build a web service bound to achieve updating and deleting function
The following demo snippets are the web methods of updating function and delete function.
In the web method of updating function:
"key" is the primary key that will be updated.
"updateFieldName" is the field name that will be updated.
"updateValue" is the related value which it is updated to about "updateFieldName".
In the web method of deleting function,
just need "key" that is the primary key that will be deleted.
public void UpdateWebService(string key, string updateFieldName, string updateValue)
string constr = (string)ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
string sql = "update schedule set " + updateFieldName + "='" + updateValue+"' where num="+key;
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand sdc = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
sdc.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
catch (SqlException SQLexc)
throw new Exception(SQLexc.Message);
public void DeleteWebService(string key)
string constr = (string)ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DatabaseConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
string sql = "delete from schedule where num=" + key;
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand sdc = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
sdc.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
catch (SqlException SQLexc)
throw new Exception(SQLexc.Message);
In Short:
To use this Schedule button, you need use html tag to create Schedule, create a DataSource control to bind on Schedule and build two web methods to achieve updating and deleting functions.
Build a ButtonList (Ajax Control)
It contains the following Ajax Controls:
Simple Schedule
About ButtonList:
Check the following image.
There are three item button you can select. It is like a DropDownList, but it's composted of several Button. You can select one of the items, and it will call SelectedIndexChanged event.
You can use this control by the following code.
Good morning everyone,
It looks a bit dark here right now, so no weather report!
Here is today's quote:
The "me" and the other "me".
What do you mean when you use the term “myself”? As you are many and ever changing, is there an enduring moment when you can say that this is the ever “me”? It is the multiple entity, the bundle of memories that must be understood and not seemingly the one entity that calls itself the “me”. We are ever-changing contradictory thoughts-feelings—love and hate, peace and passion, intelligence and ignorance.
Now, which is the “me” in all of this? Shall I choose what is most pleasing and discard the rest? Who is it that must understand these contradictory and conflicting selves? Is there a permanent self, a spiritual entity apart from these? Is not that self also the continuing result of the conflict of many entities? Is there a self that is above and beyond all contradictory selves?
The truth of it can be experienced only when the contradictory selves are understood and transcended. All the conflicting entities which make up the “me” have also brought into being the other “me”, the observer, the analyser. To understand myself I must understand the many parts of myself including the “I” who has become the watcher, the “I” who understands. The thinker must not only understand his many contradictory thoughts, but he must understand himself as the creator of these many entities.
The Collected Works vol IV, p 45
Here are my reflections.
On Sunday at the study group we looked at the question of attending to the right beginning, the starting point, and the idea that there has to be a moment of insight at the beginning, not the end. This right beginning comes when we understand ourselves. This is not understanding the 'true' self or the 'higher' self, because this is simply the creation of the self that does not understand itself, that is not aware of it's history, that has not looked back upon itself.
To do this is to put onself in a state of not knowing and so into a state of readiness to inquire, to learn, and also to love. When when knows or thinks one's knowledge means anything, then inquiry is simply a way to strengthen the self by accumulating more knowledge. There is clearly no humility here, and without humility, again, there can be no love and no affection. When we can observe the many entities that we are, the essential impermanence of the "me", this is a moment of transformation, an awakening of what is intelligent, of that which can appreciate the wholeness of life.
Best wishes
Monday, September 28, 2009
Remote Control using PIC16F84A Microcontroller
design controls up to 8 devices using a PIC microcontroller (PIC16F84A) connected to the phone line. The unique feature here is that unlike other telephone line based remote control, this device does not need the call to be answered at the remote end so the call will not be charged. This device depends on number of rings given on the telephone line to activate/deactivate devices.
1. Circuit diagram (designed by www.tronicszone.com)
2. Parts List
3. C source code complied using HT-Soft PIC C compiler
4. Compiler Hex code file to be directly programmed into the PIC
Instructions for the telephone operated remote switch:
A) While constructing the main circuit, make sure you use 18pin sockets (base) for the PIC16F84A. Do not solder the IC directly to the board since you may have to remove it for programming. Before you use the PIC on the main circuit, you have to first program it.
B) To program the PIC16F84A microcontroller:
There are lots of programmers on the Internet available to program PIC microncontrollers. Given below are links to some free PIC programmer hardware/software:
* http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/noppp/
* http://www.picallw.com/
* http://www.lpilsley.uklinux.net/software.htm
Note: Programm the chip with the hex file attached above and remember to set the fuse bits to use "EXTERNAL HS OSCILLATOR" mode!
C) Remove the PIC from the programmer socket and put it into the main circuit socket.
Set the DIP SWITCH as follows:
Switch3 Switch4 No. of initial rings to Switch ON(activate half of the board)
The number of initial rings to Switch OFF is one more than the number of rings to switch ON. For example, if you have set switch3 OFF & Switch4 ON then number of initial rings to activate half of the board to switch ON the relays is 3 and number of initial rings to activate half of the board to switch OFF the relays is 3+1 = 4
Switch1 Swtich2 Delay before making the second set of rings
OFF OFF 20sec
ON OFF 15sec
OFF ON 10sec
ON ON 5sec
This is the maximum delay the board can take after it is half activated. It will reset after this delay.
D) Now connect the circuit to the phone line and switch on its power supply.
E) You can test the board now. For example set the DIP switch to Switch1 ON, Switch2 OFF (15 sec delay) & switch3 ON, switch4 OFF (4 rings to activate half for switching ON). If you want to switch ON relay 1 (connected to RB0 of main circuit) then you have to do the following:
1. Give 4 rings and put down the receiver
2. Wait 5 seconds (this 5 seconds wait is required to prevent the board from detecting continous rings)
3. then within 15 seconds give 1 ring (1 ring for relay1, 2 rings for relay2 and so on) and put down the receiver
4. then within 5 sec the relay1 will switch ON
To switch off relay1:
1. Give 5 rings and put down the receiver
2. Wait 5 seconds (this 5 seconds wait is required to prevent the board from detecting continous rings)
3. then within 15 seconds give 1 ring (1 ring for relay1, 2 rings for relay2 and so on) and put down the receiver
4. then within 5 sec the relay1 will switch OFF
IMPORTANT: This circuit has been tested by me and found to work correctly. I cannot guarantee that the circuit will work at your end since it depends on error free construction and usage. Please do not contact for any support and requests, any such requests will not be entertained.
Rangkaian Generator IF Sederhana
Rangkaian Simple Analog to Digital Converter
Normally analogue-to-digital con-verter (ADC) needs interfacing through a chip to catechumen alternation abstracts into agenda format. This requires accouterments and all-important software, consistent in added complication and appropriately the absolute cost.
The ambit of A-to-D advocate apparent actuality is configured about ADC 0808, alienated the use of a microprocessor. The ADC 0808 is an 8-bit A-to-D converter, accepting abstracts curve D0-D7. It works on the assumption of alternating approximation. It has a absolute of eight alternation ascribe channels, out of which any one can be called application abode curve A, B and C. Here, in this case, ascribe approach IN0 is called by accomplishments A, B and C abode lines.
Usually the ascendancy signals EOC (end of conversion), SC (start conversion), ALE (address latch enable) and OE (output enable) are interfaced by agency of a microprocessor. However, the ambit apparent actuality is congenital to accomplish in its affiliated approach afterwards application any microprocessor. Therefore the ascribe ascendancy signals ALE and OE, actuality active-high, are angry to Vcc (+5 volts). The ascribe ascendancy arresting SC, actuality active-low, initiates alpha of about-face at falling bend of the pulse, admitting the achievement arresting EOC becomes aerial afterwards achievement of digitisation. This EOC achievement is accompanying to SC input, area falling bend of EOC achievement acts as SC ascribe to absolute the ADC to alpha the conversion.
As the about-face starts, EOC arresting goes high. At abutting alarm beating EOC achievement afresh goes low, and appropriately SC is enabled to alpha the abutting conversion. Thus, it provides affiliated 8-bit agenda achievement agnate to direct amount of alternation input. The best akin of alternation ascribe voltage should be appropriately scaled bottomward beneath absolute advertence (+5V) level.
The ADC 0808 IC requires alarm arresting of about 550 kHz, which can be calmly acquired from an astable multivibrator complete application 7404 inverter gates. In adjustment to visualise the agenda output, the row of eight LEDs (LED1 through LED8) accept been used, wherein anniversary LED is affiliated to corresponding abstracts curve D0 through D7. Since ADC works in the affiliated mode, it displays agenda achievement as anon as alternation ascribe is applied. The decimal agnate agenda achievement amount D for a accustomed alternation ascribe voltage Vin can be affected from the relationship
Skema Rangkaian Seven Segment
How to Create LIVE USB Linux from Windows XP / Vista
Download Lili USB Creater
Official Site
How to Create LIVE USB Linux from Windows XP / Vista
Download Lili USB Creater
Official Site
IC 7812&7912 Dual Regulator Power Supply Circuit
Voltage Regulators low ability burning IC 78W alternation acclimated in our chart is now so bargain they are an economical another to simple regulators NPN-stabilizers. In addition, they action the allowances of bigger regulation, accepted absorbed / abbreviate ambit aegis to 1000 mA blow and calefaction bottomward if the electricity disperses too. Indeed, is not the alone way for these drives can be damaged polarity is incorrect or boundless ascribe voltage. Regulators Alternation 78W to affectionate of break 8V ascribe voltage of about 35V, while the blazon 24v bear 40V. Of course, of course, that regulators will not assignment with such an important ascribe cogwheel achievement as it would advance to boundless ability is dispersed. All controllers will bear the 78W alternation 1000mA accepted best accepted ascribe cogwheel voltage achievement of beneath than 7V. Otherwise, too broadcast power, thereby bringing the blaze extinguished.
Two transformers were acclimated to footfall voltage 230-250V AC ascribe power. It articles ability transformers 6-0-6V accessory terminals. This achievement is fed into the rectifier and clarify capacitor. Filtered IC6 that served 3-pin voltage regulator that provides a adapted achievement + 5V. It is acclimated to accredit the DPM system. It additionally comes as the arrangement voltage antecedent temperature accuracy.
Other articles transformers with a accommodation of 12-0-12V at its accessory terminals. The centermost was accustomed as a bubbler in the antecedent case. The added two accessory terminals are fed arch rectifier complete application diodes. Achievement recovered is filtered application a capacitor C5 and C6 for aliment and IC7 IC. In-8 IC7, which are 3-pin regulators accommodate achievement voltage of ± 8V. These two voltages are arresting generator. TO-8V ability antecedent is activated to the temperature of the network, and the advertence voltage. It is additionally all-important to +12 V and-12V food for the accomplishing of operational amplifiers. This can be calmly done application a 12V zener diodes. The achievement of arch rectifier is absorbed to the +12 V and-12V, respectively, application two zener diodes. In the zener achievement is fed to the terminals of the operational amplifier supply. For supply
for operational amplifiers charge not be actual able in acclimation + 12V, the use of Zener diodes be costly.
For the testing of cyberbanking apparatus voltage aloft 50 V is required. This can be accomplished through quadruple the alternation tension. It consists of four diodes and four electrolytic capacitors. Unreasonable Administration Accessory 12-0-12V is affiliated to quadruple string. Quadrupled achievement of the ambit is 68V to ground.
Car Adapter Circuit with ECG184
IC TDA7294 120 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Circuit
R : 660 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor = 2 pcs.
R : 22K 1/4 W Resistor = 5 pcs.
R : 10K 1/4 W Resistor = 1 pcs.
R : 30K 1/4 W Resistor = 1 pcs.
C : 2200uF 35V Electrolytic Capacitor = 2 pcs.
C : 0.22uF Capacitor = 2 pcs.
C : 22uF Capacitor = 4 pcs.
C : 0.45uF Capacitor = 2 pcs.
T1 : 50V Center Tapped 5 Amp Transformer
S1 : SPST 3 Amp Switch
S2 : DPDT Switch
F1 : 2 Amp Fuse
SPKR1 : 8 Ohm 120W Speaker
MISC : Case, Knobs, Line Cord, Binding Posts Or Phono Plugs (For Input And Output), Heatsinks For Q1 And Q2
Good morning everyone,
I'm finding right now that my weekends are getting quite busy with teaching, and so if you're ok with this, I'm going to pots blog entreies here from Monday - Friday.
The weather is unmentionable right now!
Here is today's quote:
The dualistic process.
Apart from obvious duality as man and woman, black and white, there is an inward psychological duality as the observer and the observed, the one who experiences and the thing experienced. In this division, in which time and space are involved, is the whole process of conflict; you can observe it in yourself. You are violent, that is a fact and you also have the ideological concept of non-violence, so there is duality.
Now the observer says “I must become non-violent” and the attempt to become non-violent is conflict, which is a waste of energy; whereas if the observer is totally aware of that violence—without the ideological concept of non-violence—then he is able to deal with it immediately. One must observe this dualistic process at work within oneself—this division of the “I” and the “not-I”, the observer and the observed.
Talks with American Students, p 111.
Here is my reflection.
As you will have gathered, so much of what Krishnamurti is doing all the time is examining the nature of thinking as a psychological process of 'othering'. This means creating distance, not just between ourselves and other people, but also within ourselves. Both are sources of conflict. Anything that involves thinking involves creating time and space; the act of memory, which is how thought arises, is a movement of time, and the thought itself as an image creates spacial distance.
The basis of all this is the need to know ourselves; so we attach labels to people and things. If you have just met me and you don't know anything about me except for one small thing maybe, you will create an image in your mind about that one thing, maybe it's my occupation, or my hairstyle, or how I dress. In not knowing me, you feel anxious about yourself, who you are; the dualistic process seems to not be working for a few months, so you throw out a label, in an anxious or aggressive way, and that makes you feel better. The other person is 'othered' and now you feel better about who you are. It's very subtle; sometimes it comes over as a joke, but it is really this dualistic process in full operation. This goes on all the time.
Try looking at it in yourself when you meet new people and see. Go into yourself and look at how this unknown person is making you feel. Do you feel some loss of control, a loss of power? You have to look very deeply and be quite humble, otherwise you'll miss it.
Best wishes
Sunday, September 27, 2009
How to Run DOS Applications and Games in Ubuntu / Debian Linux
The Fundamental Operating System DOS is still alive. For basic study purpose, DOS is Used in most of the Universities. Now Also people like DOS games. The Famous C language Compilers are woking only is DOS. You can Make a virtual DOS environment Linux.
sudo apt-get install dosbox
(Your can use Synaptic Package Manager and search for dosbox)
After Installation you can make a folder xxxxx in your home directory
(eg: $mkdir mydos)
copy your favorite dos programs and games like Turboc, dave, digger etc in this directory
Now you can run dosbox by typing dosbox in a terminal or
by select it from menu
You will get a small dos window with Z:\> prompt
in Z prompt type the following
Z:\>mount c /home/xxx/mydos
This command for mounting your dos directory to C Drive
(in my case my dos files are in /home/shibu/mydos )
Now You are ready for running your dos programms
Z:\> c: ( change drive to c:)
Z:\>dir (this will list your dos files placed in /home/shibu/mydos)
if ther is our old famous digger game
Z:\>digger and Enjoy it.
How to Run DOS Applications and Games in Ubuntu / Debian Linux
The Fundamental Operating System DOS is still alive. For basic study purpose, DOS is Used in most of the Universities. Now Also people like DOS games. The Famous C language Compilers are woking only is DOS. You can Make a virtual DOS environment Linux.
sudo apt-get install dosbox
(Your can use Synaptic Package Manager and search for dosbox)
After Installation you can make a folder xxxxx in your home directory
(eg: $mkdir mydos)
copy your favorite dos programs and games like Turboc, dave, digger etc in this directory
Now you can run dosbox by typing dosbox in a terminal or
by select it from menu
You will get a small dos window with Z:\> prompt
in Z prompt type the following
Z:\>mount c /home/xxx/mydos
This command for mounting your dos directory to C Drive
(in my case my dos files are in /home/shibu/mydos )
Now You are ready for running your dos programms
Z:\> c: ( change drive to c:)
Z:\>dir (this will list your dos files placed in /home/shibu/mydos)
if ther is our old famous digger game
Z:\>digger and Enjoy it.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Good morning here; still no sign of daybreak!
Here is today's quote:
The state of attention.
One begins to discover that in the state of attention, complete attention, there is not the observer, with its old conditioning as the conscious as well as the unconscious. In that state of attention, the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet. The brain cells, though they may react, no longer function psychologically, within a pattern; they become extraordinarily quiet psychologically.
Talks in Europe, 1967
Here is my reflection.
It is only through self-observation, which is also self-awareness - since doing and understanding are inseparable when one is truly serious about what one is doing - that the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet. Otherwise, the mind is 'made' quiet through the so-called techniques of meditation: watching a flame, the breath. None of these make the mind quite. Instead, they require effort, which is what concentration is. It is the effort to narrow the mind, or distract it, so that it goes to sleep. In this effort there is the desire for the mind to be quite, and this desire, of course, is what thought has created. So in the 'meditation of techniques' - which is also traditional meditation teaching - the mind is incredibly active. It is working - furiously - towards an objective, a desire, a result. Such a mind is tied to its old conditioning, and is perpetuating and deepening it.
But with total attention to oneslf, with attention to all that I've been talking about here with regard to self-awareness, the mind becomes silent without effort. You have observed that negative quality in yourself, the conditioning taht you have grown up with, and that is its own benediction. The benediction is that the self-awareness opens the space for the stillness to be revealed. So in true meditation, the mind has this wonderfully expansive quality; it doesn't narrow. A mind that is expansive in this way is not taking in more and more experience, not profiting from the meditation. Instead, it simply has no resistance to the observed, so that the observed is no longer the observed. Therefore, to experience stillness is to experience love: you feel the observer as yourself.
Best wishes
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Good morning on what looks like rain on the way today!
Here is today's quote:
Exposing the contents of the unconscious.
Why do we give such deep significance and meaning to the unconscious?—for after all, it is as trivial as the conscious. If the conscious mind is extraordinarily active, watching, listening, seeing, then the conscious mind becomes far more important than the unconscious; in that state all the contents of the unconscious are exposed; the division between the various layers comes to an end.
Watching your reactions when you sit in a bus, when you are talking to your wife, your husband, when in your office, writing, being alone—if you are ever alone—then this whole process of observation, this act of seeing (in which there is no division as the observer and the observed) ends the contradiction.
The Flight of the Eagle, p 28.
Here is my reflection.
This seems to clarify an important point about self-awareness. It is the conscious mind that becomes incredibly alert, alert enough to observe the unconscious. Is this because the conscious mind has relatively little conditioning in comparison to the unconscious? The contradiction taht ends is that between the different parts of ourselves, just as understanding is an act of wholeness which ends fragmentation. The understanding itself being and carrying its own action.
How do you keep the conscious mind active in the way that K is suggesting? He would look at education I think and to perserve a quality of searching but without a goal or any conclusion or desire about the object of the search. It is to keep asking questions, questions about what this is, not how do we get better: like what is life, rather than how can I be happier, why am I miserable. An active mind is always stepping back to ask the bigger, more fundamental, question; grasping the bigger picture, the first question. This is understanding, not knowing; this is the 'what is it' question, not the 'how do I make it better' question. If we can see this, not as an idea but in our own lives, then suffering and frustration will end. Are you frustrated in your life because you are trying to find happiness? To see this in yourself is itself to receive the benediction of love.
Best wishes
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
How to install Android sdk 1.6 in ubuntu 9.04
Android SDK is built around Java . So, you have to install Sun Java before trying to install Android. Look at this post for details about installation of sun java development kit on ubuntu 9.04.
Here you can see a very good tutorial for installing android 1.6 sdk
How to install Android sdk 1.6 in ubuntu 9.04
Android SDK is built around Java . So, you have to install Sun Java before trying to install Android. Look at this post for details about installation of sun java development kit on ubuntu 9.04.
Here you can see a very good tutorial for installing android 1.6 sdk
Good morning everyone,
It's looking rather dark and rainy this morning; crossing my fingers for sun!
Here is today's quote:
This faculty will gather momentum.
The more you are aware during the waking hours, the less dreams there are. Dreams are indications of thoughts-feelings, actions not completed, not understood, that need fresh interpretation, or frustrated thought-hope that needs to be fully comprehended. Some dreams are of no importance. Those that have significance have to be interpreted, and that interpretation depends on your capacity of non-identification, of keen intelligence.
If you are deeply aware, interpretation is not necessary, but you are too lazy and so, if you can afford it, you go to a dream specialist; he interprets your dreams according to his understanding. You gradually become dependent upon him; he becomes the new priest, and so you have another problem added to you. But if you are aware even for a brief period, you will see that short, sharp awareness, however fleeting it be, begins to awaken a new feeling, which is not the result of craving but a faculty which is free from all personal limitations and tendencies.
This faculty, this feeling, will gather momentum as you become more deeply and widely aware so that you are aware even in spite of your attention being given to other matters. Though you are occupied with necessary duties and give your attention to daily existence, inward awareness continues; it is as a sensitive photographic plate on which every impression, every thought-feeling is being imprinted to be studied, assimilated, and understood. This faculty, this new feeling, is of the utmost importance for it will reveal that which is eternal.
The Collected Work vol III, pp 219- 220
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Green Thinking In The Construction Industry?
I was browsing Twitter and came across a link to this article and was really interested by the use of recycled plastic as a concrete aggregate. The con s truction industry is responsible for generating huge amounts of landfill waste (albeit often inert) , so to see an innovative use of a potentially difficult waste stream being recycled into a useable long-term product is encouraging. I would be interested to know what the long term implications of the product are, for example is it durable? What happens when is it breaks down and what environmental impacts the plastic will have when used in this format?
I’m not entirely convinced that this is the best practical final use of the material, but it’s good to see the construction industry getting its ‘green’ hard hat on.
Onwards & upwards!
Good morning everyone,
Today we have Monday's and Tuesday's quotes together:
The unconscious mind is as trivial as the conscious.
A great deal has been written about the unconscious mind, especially in the West. Extraordinary significance has been given to it. But it is as trivial, as shallow as the conscious mind. You can observe it yourself. If you observe you will see that what is called the unconscious is the residue of the race, of the culture, of the family, of your own motives and appetites. It is there, hidden.
And the conscious mind is occupied with the daily routine of life, going to the office, sex, and so on. To give importance to the one or to the other seems utterly sterile. Both have very little meaning, except that the conscious mind has to have technological knowledge in order to earn a livelihood.
This constant battle, both within, at the deeper level, as well as at the superficial level, is the way of our life. It is a way of disorder, a way of disarray, contradiction, misery, and for a mind caught in that to try to meditate is meaningless, infantile.
This Light in Oneself, p 20
The sleeping hours are an intensification of the waking hours.
The more you are conscious of your thoughts-emotions, the more you are aware of your whole being. Then the sleeping hours become an intensification of the waking hours. Consciousness functions even in so-called sleep, of which we are well aware. You think over a problem pretty thoroughly and yet you cannot solve it; you sleep over it, which phrase we often use. In the morning we find its issues are clearer, and we seem to know what to do; or we perceive a new aspect of it which helps to clear up the problem.
How does this happen? We can attribute a lot of mystery and nonsense to it, but what does take place? In that so-called sleep the conscious mind, that thin layer is quiet, perhaps receptive; it has worried over the problem and now, being weary, is still, the tension removed. Then the promptings of the deeper layers of consciousness are discernible and when you wake up, the problem seems to have become clearer and easier to solve.
So the more you are aware of your thoughts-feelings during the day, not for a few seconds or during a set period, the mind becomes quieter, alertly passive, and so capable of responding and comprehending the deeper intimations. But it is difficult to be so aware; the conscious mind is not used to such intensity. The more aware the conscious mind is, the more the inner mind co-operates with it, and so there is deeper and wider understanding.
The Collected Work vol III, p 219.
Here is my reflection.
I think that what K is describing here with sleep also takes place in savasana, the deep relaxation taken at the end of a yoga practice. I have, for a long time, thought that the whole point of the asana practice (yoga postures) which proceeds it is to prepare for such deep relaxation, preparing the body to enter deep relaxation. This, in my experience, is where the deep healing takes place. Deep relaxation seems to be a place of awareness and, therefore, without judgement: to be aware is to be without judgement. One cannot be aware and judge. When one judges it is through the unconscious mind: race, culture, family, all the things that sediment into our psyche and become conditioning. In truth, to know is a form of judgement; it is to label, give a name, and make the impermenent appear suddenly permanent. We accept language and naming and labeling as so natural until it is applied to us and then we feel the restriction, and so resist. To relax deeply is to see without the name.
Best wishes
Monday, September 21, 2009
View Some Magic with Ubuntu Easter Eggs
OpenOffice Easter Egg
Select OpenOffice Spreadsheet
Applications-->Office-->OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet
Type the following in an empty field
Gnome Easter Egg
Type the following in Login Screen when it ask for username
Require Quarter Then press enter
nothing will happened
now you can enter your username and password as usual
now you can see a surprise before login
don't worry press OK to continue
View Some Magic with Ubuntu Easter Eggs
OpenOffice Easter Egg
Select OpenOffice Spreadsheet
Applications-->Office-->OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet
Type the following in an empty field
Gnome Easter Egg
Type the following in Login Screen when it ask for username
Require Quarter Then press enter
nothing will happened
now you can enter your username and password as usual
now you can see a surprise before login
don't worry press OK to continue
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Good morning everyone,
It's a bit too early to take a guess at the whether but I can see a red sunrise which looks marvelous. Pop outisde and look!
Here is today's quote:
Is there any other part of the mind?
You see, we have only operated so far within the area of thought as knowledge. Right? Is there any other part, any other area of the mind, which includes the brain, which is not touched by human struggle, pain, anxiety, fear, and all the violence, all the things that man has made through thought? The discovery of that area is meditation. That implies the discovery as to whether thought can come to an end, but yet for thought to operate when necessary, in the field of knowledge?
We need knowledge, otherwise we cannot function, we would not be able to speak nor be able to write, and so on. Knowledge is necessary to function, and its functioning becomes neurotic when status becomes all important, which is the entering of thought as the “me”, as status. So knowledge is necessary and yet meditation is to discover, or come upon, or to observe, an area in which there is no movement of thought. Can the two live together, harmoniously, daily?
Talks in Saanen 1974, p 69.
Here is my reflection.
I think this sentense is very helpful and important: "Knowledge is necessary to function, and its functioning becomes neurotic when status becomes all important, which is the entering of thought as the “me”, as status."
Here is the limit of thought; this is where the resposnibility of thought ends. After this further thinking is irresponsible because it separates one person from another. As soon as there is a thought about me instead of how to cook the carrots, for example, there is time and distance (the image of you that my conditioning and memory create). That doesn't matter with the carrots; I need to be somehwat mechanical and repetitive with the carrots, but when I am this way with you and everyone else, then we go on as before, never changing, never looking, never having affection.
I have no status in relation to the carrots but I have so much with you. If I can reduce you to the knowable like the carrots, then "I" feel more secure. What the "I", the "me", fears, is that you won't recognise me, see the "me" I have manufactured, that thought has manufactured, that knowledge as thought as memory, has put together, and so on.
Meditation is to observe this using of knowledge irresponsibly. In meditation, knowledge and understanding, which is the place that K is referring to, can live harmoniosly. This is because understanding is totality, seeing totally.
Best wishes
Friday, September 18, 2009
Good morning,
Nice and sunny here in Halifax.
Here is todays; quote:
When the machine takes over the brain.
The brain has infinite capacity; it is really infinite. That capacity is now used technologically. That capacity has been used for the gathering of information. That capacity has been used to store knowledge—scientific, political, social and religious. The brain has been occupied with this. And it is precisely this function (this technological capacity) that the machine is going to take over. When this take-over by the machine happens, the brain—its capacity—is going to wither, just as my arms will if I do not use them all the time.
The question is: If the brain is not active, if it is not working, if it is not thinking, what is going to happen to it? Either it will plunge into entertainment—and the religions, the rituals and the pujas are entertainment—or it will turn to the inquiry within. This inquiry is an infinite movement. This inquiry is religion.
A Timeless Spring, pp 164-165
Here is my reflection.
I have to rush off to a meeting but will come back with a reflection later.
Jackie's comment yesterday was just perfect!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Simple PIC RF/Microwave Frequency Counter
There are 3 inpust on this project a microwave (prescaled) input, an RF input and a TTL input. The microwave and RF inputs are AC coupled and terminated to a low impedance (around 50ohms). The TTL input is DC coupled and has a high input impedance. A progress-bar indicator is provided on the LCD for the gate timing.
Both the microwave and RF inputs have an additional feature : a simple signal-level detector driving yet another bar indicator on the LCD module. This is very useful to check for the correct input-signal level as well as an indicator for circuit tuning or absorption-wave-meter dip display (Lecher wires). This project designed by Matjaz Vidmar.
tag : RF counter, Microwave Frequency counter, PIC project source
Simple PIC RF/Microwave Frequency Counter
There are 3 inpust on this project a microwave (prescaled) input, an RF input and a TTL input. The microwave and RF inputs are AC coupled and terminated to a low impedance (around 50ohms). The TTL input is DC coupled and has a high input impedance. A progress-bar indicator is provided on the LCD for the gate timing.
Both the microwave and RF inputs have an additional feature : a simple signal-level detector driving yet another bar indicator on the LCD module. This is very useful to check for the correct input-signal level as well as an indicator for circuit tuning or absorption-wave-meter dip display (Lecher wires). This project designed by Matjaz Vidmar.
tag : RF counter, Microwave Frequency counter, PIC project source
Simple PIC RF/Microwave Frequency Counter
There are 3 inpust on this project a microwave (prescaled) input, an RF input and a TTL input. The microwave and RF inputs are AC coupled and terminated to a low impedance (around 50ohms). The TTL input is DC coupled and has a high input impedance. A progress-bar indicator is provided on the LCD for the gate timing.
Both the microwave and RF inputs have an additional feature : a simple signal-level detector driving yet another bar indicator on the LCD module. This is very useful to check for the correct input-signal level as well as an indicator for circuit tuning or absorption-wave-meter dip display (Lecher wires). This project designed by Matjaz Vidmar.
tag : RF counter, Microwave Frequency counter, PIC project source
Good afternoom everyone,
Sorry for the late post.
Here is today's quote:
Computer and the future of man.
Scientists are now inventing the “ultimate intelligent machine”, a computer which will beat man in every way. If the machine can outstrip man, then what is man? What are you? What is the future of man? If the machine can take over all the operations that thought does now, and do it far swifter, if it can learn much more quickly, if it can compete and, in fact, do everything that man can—except of course look at the beautiful evening star alone in the sky, and see and feel the extraordinary quietness, steadiness, immensity and beauty of it—then what is going to happen to the mind, to the brain of man?
Our brains have lived so far by struggling to survive through knowledge, and when the machine takes all that over, what is going to happen? There are only two possibilities: either man will commit himself totally to entertainment—football, sports, every form of demonstration, going to the temple, and playing with all that stuff—or he will turn inward.
A Timeless Spring, p 164
Here is my reflection.
It does seem a little odd, reading this quote so long after it was written and when computers are no longer a new invention but part of the fabric of our lives. But it does give us a chance to see if Krishnamurti's 'prediction' has come true.
I think that mankind is dividing into two parts: the part that is committed to entertainment, including the entertianment of making money and the entertianment of yoga and becoming enlightened, playing with money and ideals as different sides of the same desire for sensation and stimulation; and then the much smaller part of mankind that is truly turning inwards and exploring the whole question of desire and motive in themselves and their own daily experience.
The former are becoming insensitive to life and not very serious; they are only serious about what interests them, which is not to be serious. To be serious is to be inwardly quiet and alone so that the beauty of life can be seen. It cannot be seen if it is seen through an interest, however idealistic that interest might appear.
The superficial has always triumphed over the deep, power over honesty, entertainment over self-knowledge. Are we in free-fall? Consider your own life deeply; can you see around and in you the demand for entertainment? The sense of don't bother me, just give me this or that, I don't want to think anymore? What might be done now to change all that - an action which doesn't refer back to some self-interest?
Best wishes